Email subaddressing trough the plus indicator is supported: The user john@example.com will also receive email for john+newsletter@example.com, john+support@example.com and so on. This option can be configured within the user settings.
and login with your mailbox user (not as administrator)set
Set handling for tagged mail
toIn Subfolder
orIn subject
In subfolder: a new subfolder named after the tag will be created below INBOX, example:
In subject: the tags name will be prepended to the mails subject, example:
[newsletter] mail subject
Filter Rules
Server side filter rules for your mailbox can be configured within your webmail.
For SOGo:
and login with your mailbox userconfigure your filters in “Settings > E-Mail > Filter”
Active filters must be checked with a green pick. Modifications must be saved with the save icon.
For Roundcube:
open Roundcube (you find a link to Roundcube on
) and login with your mailbox userconfigure your filters in “Settings > Filter”
Spam to Inbox
Spam end up in junk folder by default. You can change this behavior.
Create a filter with the following options.
For incoming messages that match all of the following rules:
Header X-Spam-Flag contains YES
Perform these actions:
Flag the message with Junk
File the message in INBOX
Stop processing filter rules