Getting Started with Neos
Neos is an Open Source CMS written in PHP. To get more information, visit their website.
Create Environment
First you have to create a website on your server. Our website module provides everything you need to manage, deploy and run your website. Every Website is type based, which means you have to select a particular type.
Log in to
Choose your server or create a new one
Go to websites, and create a new one
Select website type Neos and fill in all settings
You don’t need to remember your DB credentials. We always provide them as environment variables.
According to those settings, our automation will setup the server/vhost as required.
Access with SSH
On the server you can work with SSH. Due to security reasons, we allow key based logins only.
If you don’t have an SSH key: Create an SSH key pair
Add your SSH Public Key in the Cockpit: Either for the whole server or within the website.
Now you can log in via SSH. Username is your chosen website name.
Wondering why your existing SSH key is not working? Maybe it does not meet our minimum requirements.
Install Neos
We recommend that you install Neos via composer to have full control over the update cycle. If you want to install Neos via composer, follow the instructions provided by the Neos Documentation.
# remove empty default webroot
$ rm -r ~/Web
# setup composer project and move files to home directory
$ composer create-project neos/neos-base-distribution neos
$ mv ~/neos/* .
$ mv ~/neos/.* .
$ rm -r ~/neos
# show db credentials
$ cat ~/.my.cnf
# finish installation
$ ~/flow setup:database
$ ~/flow doctrine:migrate
$ ~/flow user:create --roles Administrator
# optional: import demo site
$ ~/flow site:import --package-key Neos.Demo
Make sure to safely store your administrator credentials as you will need them to Log into the backend and make Changes in the Neos Maintenance mode.