Getting Started with Docker
Create Environment
First you have to create a website on your server. Our website module provides everything you need to manage, deploy and run your website. Every Website is type based, which means you have to select a particular type.
Log in to
Choose your server or create a new one
Go to websites, and create a new one
Select website type Docker
Access with SSH
On the server you can work with SSH. Due to security reasons, we allow key based logins only.
If you don’t have an SSH key: Create an SSH key pair
Add your SSH Public Key in the Cockpit: Either for the whole server or within the website.
Now you can log in via SSH. Username is your chosen website name.
Wondering why your existing SSH key is not working? Maybe it does not meet our minimum requirements.
Run Docker Container
# run your docker container (nginx as example)
$ docker run --detach --restart always --publish nginx
You can use any free port. In this example we expose our docker container at
Afterwards, configure your website as reverse proxy to the container by uncommenting
the provided configuration in ~/www/.htaccess
Always start your containers with --restart always
to make sure they
are up and running again after a automatic
or planned reboot.
For the container to be accessible from the outside via reverse proxy,
the selected port must match the one configured in ~/www/.htaccess
You can alternatively use docker compose
to set up your docker container. Additional
information on docker compose is available in the Docker manual.
(v1) is no longer supported by Docker. Please use docker compose
(v2) instead.
Expose Port Externally
In general, we do not recommend to expose Docker ports to the world for security reasons, but use a proxy website in front instead. Still, there are use cases which this is required tough:
by default, exposed ports are bound to
bind your port to the desired interface explicitly:
allow external access to the port with a custom firewall rule (see Custom Rule)
User Namespace Isolation
For security reasons, we run Docker in a isolated namespace (Details within the Docker manual).
user and group IDs within the container are mapped to non-existing IDs on the host
direct bind mounts are not allowed
use volumes instead
We know of certain setups where it is not possible to have userns remapping enabled. If you encounter this problem, please contact us and we will disable userns remap for your system after we checked your requirements.
Access Local MariaDB
For security reasons, we only allow access to the MariaDB from localhost, but sometimes it is desirable to use the local MariaDB from inside a Docker container.
To achive this you need to modify the Custom JSON Server Level Configuration as follows.
Make sure to expand any existing Custom JSON objects, otherwise you will overwrite them!
Add a new MariaDB user that is allowed to access MariaDB from the Docker IP range.
can be freely named, but must be consistent across the following options,
i tend to name it the same as the database, for consistency.
"database::users": {
"<MARIADB_USER>@172.16.%.%": {
"password": "<MARIADB_PASSWORD>"
Grant this new user premission to an existing MariaDB.
"database::grants": {
"<MARIADB_USER>@172.16.%.%": {
"user": "<MARIADB_USER>@172.16.%.%",
"database": "<EXISTING_DATABASE>",
"table": "*"
And finally in the Firewall Rules allow the Docker IP range to access MariaDB.
"nftables::rules": {
"accept incoming MariaDB connection from Docker": {
"chain": "input",
"rule": "tcp dport 3306 ip saddr accept"
Now you can access MariaDB from within a Docker container with the <MARIADB_USER>
configured above, as host use the FQDN
from the Server.
Persisting Data
To persist data in docker containers, volumes should be used instead of bind mounts otherwise permission conflicts will occur.
In the following example we start a nginx container and create a volume nginx-www
that persists the data in /usr/share/nginx/html
and is initally populated with the data from the container in the defined path. For more Information about docker volumes take a look at the docker documentation.
# run nginx with persisted www-root
docker run --detach --restart always --publish --name nginx --volume nginx-www:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
# list volumes
docker volume ls
# remove volumes
docker volume rm <VOLUME NAME>
# copy folder ~/www from host into the docker volume
docker cp ~/www nginx:/usr/share/nginx/html
There are many ways you can populate your volumes. We recommend using volumes for data that is modified by the application or the user. For the application itself or for configuration files, we recommend putting them in the container during the build phase