Deploy Application
Follow this guide to deploy your application to our servers.
For automatic deployment try our Continuous Deployment example. We’d love to support you with automatic deployment processes. Feel free to contact us!
Copy Files by Git
We recommend you to use Git to deploy your application. Git and the required dependencies are already installed and configured by default.
Contact us if you don’t use Git yet, or don’t have access to a trustworthy Git server. Among others, we run GitLab as a service and also offer corresponding trainings.
Depending on your needs, you can directly git clone
your application into the webroot,
or build something more elaborate.
Copy Files Manually
It is also possible to deploy your application manually. You can use this approach either fully manual from your workstation, or from within a CI job.
A example rsync command to copy your application does look as follows:
rsync -avz --exclude=backupAndCache ~/project/
As the different website users are encapsulated from each other, this approach is also used to copy files between different sites on the same server.
Use SSH agent forwarding to loop your local SSH key into remote systems.
Copy Database
Again, we rely on SSH to copy a databases from one place to another.
A example mysql command does look as follows:
mysqldump --single-transaction example | ssh mysql
To skip certain tables which are not required, add the --ignore-table
parameter to the mysqldump
Continuous Deployment
Continuous Deployment automatically runs the jobs defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml
on each commit, in this example we build and deploy the Nuxt.js demo app. Keep in mind that this is only meant as an example, if you want to use it productively we recommend you to continue with this topic and extend it as needed, further links can be found at the end of this section.
Cockpit access to a managed server from us.
The ability to create a new GitLab project.
This project must have available runners
and expandRunners
We need to create a SSH key pair without passphrase to allow CI/CD to access our website
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100 -f cd-access.key -N ""
This will create two files cd-access.key
with the private key and
with the public key, which we will need later.
log in to
choose your server or create a new server
go to websites and create a new one
choose the website type
go to the tab
SSH Access
and add a newSSH Key
with the content of the
from above as key
create a new and empty project
add the following CI/CD variables under
and expandVariables
.These variables will be used to access the website we created above.
, Value: the hostname from the server aboveKey:
, Value: the website name from aboveKey:
, Value: the content of the filecd-access.key
from above
download and unpack the sample project
commit the contents of the extracted folder to the newly created GitLab project
Under CI/CD
> Pipelines
you will now see, if everything worked, a running
pipeline, once this has the status passed
you should be able to go to the website and see the NuxtJS demo page.
Go Live
For a go live without any troubles and outages, please make sure that:
Domains and/or nameserver are within your control
the desired DNS records TTL was lowered to 300
your SPF records are in order (when your application must send mails only, see Outgoing Mail Server)
the correct application context was set
the correct, final server names are in place
possible intermediate server names are removed
the appropriate TLS certificate is installed and fully tested
the server has the correct size to handle the expected traffic
If in doubt, contact us. We’d love to assist you with planning, testing and executing such migrations. If you plan the go live for a bigger project, we’re glad if you let us know the desired date so we can plan accordingly.
DNS records
You can lookup your servers records in Cockpit, or by executing the following command through SSH:
$ facter ipaddress ipaddress6
ipaddress =>
ipaddress6 => 2001:db8::99
Please make sure to note both IPv4 (A) and IPv6 (AAAA) adresses and add both records.
Add to appropriate DNS records to your zone: A AAAA 2001:db8::99 A AAAA 2001:db8::99
Right after you changed the records, you should query your dns server and compare the returned values against those from your lookup before:
dig +short A @nameserver
dig +short AAAA @nameserver
Check HTTP
After the DNS ttl was expired, check HTTP access for both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol:
wget -4
wget -6
Check logfiles and usage
Check all access and error logs and make sure your server can bear the new load of the additional visitors. A handy tool to gain a good overview is Netdata.