Preview User

On all non PROD contexts, we configure basic authentication in front of your website. This will ensure that there is no content leaked into the world coming from one of your internal websites.

Default User

The default username is called preview. You can set the desired password in the Preview password field by either:

  • generate a new, random password through the Generate button

  • hash your desired password through with the htpasswd utility

  • supported hash algorithms: crypt, apr1 und SSHA

Change Username

Per Website

You can change the default username preview to a value of your own by setting the preview_username string within the Custom JSON Website Level Configuration:

  "preview_username": "mypreviewusername"


To change the default username for all websites on a given server, you can override the value website::preview_username within the Custom JSON Server Level Configuration:

  "website::preview_username": "myglobalpreviewusername"

Additional Users

To add additional users for all websites on a given server, you can set the website::users hash within the Custom JSON Server Level Configuration:

  "website::users": {
    "alice": {
      "preview": "$apr1$RXDs3l18$w0VJrVN5uoU6DMY.0xgTr/"
    "bob": {
      "preview": "$apr1$RSDdas2323$23case23DCDMY.0xgTr/"


Add such additional users for yourself and your co-workers. You can use your own login on every website then.

Disable Authentication

You can disable the authentication altogether by de-selecting Enable preview auth on the websites Advanced tab.


After deselecting preview auth, the website will be reachable from everywhere. Make sure you do not leak private informations. Often, there are better suited alternatives like open access for certain ip address ranges only.